Embody Your Multi-Dimensionality! 

Finally, a guide on your path of sovereignty 

Are you ready to step into your ascension, make contact with other-worldly dimensional beings and consistently live in your sovereignty?

Join the community! 

The Multidimensional Experience 

*Astral Projection 


*DNA Upgrades 

*Kundalini Work 

*Soul Work 


*Remote Viewing

*Restoring your Original Energy Grid 

*Past Life Regression 

and more! 

Through the guidance of Sarah, you will journey into your own energy work learning reiki, detoxing, diet, meditation, prayers, positive mantras, past life regression, soul work, DNA upgrades, kundalini work, cell activation, super foods, activating the bodies energetic grid system, tapping into family or friends who have passed away, connecting to guides, connecting to your soul and God source within, the use of energy to build up organs and inner chi energy, clearing negative emotions, healing from depression and abuse, energetic rebirthing, rebuilding the bodies vital organs energetically and restoring their original energy grid. 

This work is the true recipe to embody your Sovereign Multi-Dimensionality! 

Sarah’s highly intuitive guidance can spot out the parts in you that may need a bit more attention than others; allowing your work together to reach it’s highest potential. 

This thorough Group Course allows you to clear yourself first to make contact while teaching you how to stay consistent with this work. You will be guided to do your own inner-work between sessions. As you can see, the list is extensive as becoming multidimensional is a multi-faceted approach with Sarah. 

A Multi-Dimensional Course unlike any other!


FOR $99 Per Month!

Bibiana Virguez

Kathleen McPhilips

Fallon Blaser

Hear what others are saying...

Sarah, I wanted to thank you so much for our session the other day. With your help it was such a profound experience to actually make contact with the Interdimensional Councils. The energy that they transmitted was so powerful high frequency and beautiful.

It’s always been my dream to be able to connect to the divine and benevolent beings and to be able to raise my frequency up so I can help others and this beautiful planet. Your teachings and work with me are inspiring me to do everything I can to heal so I can achieve this.

Your teachings and this type of contact is inspiring me to do everything I can to heal and raise my vibration so I can be more of service too.

Thank you for helping me and for all you’re amazing work. You are a true inspiration

Brigitte Quick

I had an excellent session with Sarah. I explained my spiritual growth to Sarah, i.e. my soul is Venusian and where I was stuck. She connected to me to the Venusian temple and the Oracle. The Oracle and I have met in the past and recently.  

I described our encounters and he/she confirmed those encounters and that I wasn’t ready for a deeper connection then and it’s now my time. The connection process to Venus made me giggle - I felt like I was levitating.  

A new doorway has opened and I’m able to move forward again. Sarah also advised me on my husband’s health and made some recommendations.  

Sarah walks her talk, sincere and spiritually gifted....much love!

Sheryl Amore

Sarah is incredible at what she does, she has the ability to really tune into you during a session and knows exactly what you need. My most recent session involved working with a light being that Sarah called in on my behalf, although I couldn’t see anything I could certainly feel it. This energy went ahead and worked on my areas of concern, known and unknown to me; I went from elated giggling to sadness and crying as I released what needed to be released.

Sarah is gentle and kind, I feel that even though I voice my areas of concern to her, I needn’t worry that I’m not explaining things properly or that I’m missing anything out as I feel she intuitively knows what to do, I trust her fully and feel excited by the progress I’m already making with her and I’m looking forward to what’s yet to come.

Sarah C

Today, during my session with Sarah I had the most extraordinary experience. I met the Arcturian guide that was standing in front of me. When I saw him, I start laughing with joy, was so happy to see him. He was very tall and skinny, green and radiated a very bright golden light.

Sarah facilitated this encounter by holding the space for us to meet and receiving healing from him. When he was healing me, my body melted into the chair, almost like I was out of control of what was happening, but it felt really good and peaceful. It was a fantastic experience that I would like to continue to experience on a regular basis.

Thank you Sarah for facilitating this experience. You are fantastic!

Rebecca Cutler

Are you stressing over these questions?

-Are you ready to embody your God-Self? 

-Have you attempted to activate your multi-dimensionality and connect to other beings but haven’t quite had the desired experiences? 

-Would you like to live as your Highest Self with ease? 

-Have you struggled with your body, health or knowledge of how to detoxify the right way? 

-Are you ready to activate your psychic powers and all of your other God given talents? 

Isn’t it time you stop playing small and allow yourself to fully embody who you were born to be? 

Is that a heavenly yes?! 


"I personally have had the privilege of helping thousands of people connect to their Higher Selves and other dimensions." 

Meet Sarah R. Adams,

Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. She experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt & Atlantis. telepathy, weather abnormalities, feeling others emotions, remote viewing, quantum leaping, and time travel are among the other alternate realities Sarah has endured. "I’ve healed so much and believe every day is a healing journey to greater heights". 

Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing". This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given. She has made TV appearances on Gaia TV including Beyond Belief, Buzzsaw and Ancient Civilizations as well as Coast to Coast AM, Vice TV, The Bases Project, co-hosting the Divine Truth Show on Revolution Radio and many others. 

Sarah Adams continues to be a major force in the world of enlightenment while healing many around the world. 




"I personally have had the privilege of helping thousands of people connect to their Higher Selves and other dimensions." 

Meet Sarah R. Adams,

Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. She experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt & Atlantis. telepathy, weather abnormalities, feeling others emotions, remote viewing, quantum leaping, and time travel are among the other alternate realities Sarah has endured. "I’ve healed so much and believe every day is a healing journey to greater heights". 

Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing". This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given. She has made TV appearances on Gaia TV including Beyond Belief, Buzzsaw and Ancient Civilizations as well as Coast to Coast AM, Vice TV, The Bases Project, co-hosting the Divine Truth Show on Revolution Radio and many others. 

Sarah Adams continues to be a major force in the world of enlightenment while healing many around the world. 





Here's how it works...

Access to Sarah's Facebook Group

Join Sarah's Facebook Community

Exclusive access to Sarah's Facebook group where you can interact with Sarah, ask questions and share your experiences with others in the community.

Weekly LIVE Q & A with Sarah!

Every Sunday at 1:00PM PST you will have access to Sarah with Live Q&A

The live coaching sessions will be virtual with Sarah where you will get live feedback on your journey and receive advice on how to utilize your spiritual gifts.

Facebook Community & Resources

Sometimes we feel like we are not doing enough. We invite you to our private community where we share our wins, almost wins and stories to empower each other to keep making an impact. The ability to ask questions that you have and collaborate with the group.


What happens when I sign Up?

You’ll receive a welcome email that will include a link invite to the Facebook group and the links to access the weekly trainings with Sarah. This email will also include information about how to effectively navigate and explore the platform.  

Have you tried other online courses and coaches with little or no results?

Have you always known that there is something more that you are here to do?

Have you had problems with your diet or health and just can't get to where you want to be in life? 

Are you tired of looking for that person who you can really connect with on a spiritual level?

Are you looking for help to become more multidimensional in every part of your life?

Are you ready to change your life forever?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then this course is for you!

Here's how it works...

Access to Sarah's Facebook Group

Join Sarah's Facebook Community

Exclusive access to Sarah's Facebook group where you can interact with Sarah, ask questions and share your experiences with others in the community.

Weekly LIVE Q & A with Sarah!

Every Sunday at 1:00PM PST you will have access to Sarah with Live Q&A

The live coaching sessions will be virtual with Sarah where you will get live feedback on your journey and receive advice on how to utilize your spiritual gifts.

Facebook Community & Resources

Sometimes we feel like we are not doing enough. We invite you to our private community where we share our wins, almost wins and stories to empower each other to keep making an impact. The ability to ask questions that you have and collaborate with the group.


What happens when I sign Up?

You’ll receive a welcome email that will include a link invite to the Facebook group and the links to access the weekly trainings with Sarah. This email will also include information about how to effectively navigate and explore the platform.  

Have you tried other online courses and coaches with little or no results?

Have you always known that there is something more that you are here to do?

Have you had problems with your diet or health and just can't get to where you want to be in life? 

Are you tired of looking for that person who you can really connect with on a spiritual level?

Are you looking for help to become more multidimensional in every part of your life?

Are you ready to change your life forever?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then this course is for you!

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